Posted January 26, 2024

Brothers and Sisters,

Work is starting to pick up in our region. Don’t forget that we start a new out-of-work list at the beginning of every month. That means if you are not working, you should be calling in to get on the list again, at the beginning of every month. We have lost many members because they were not aware of this, and they were waiting for the Union to call them with a job. We have a few projects starting up for drywall and paint and more are on the way, so things look good for 2024. 

Please make an effort to attend the Union meetings. The meetings are every 2nd Monday of the month at 5:30 pm. We need the membership to be informed on what is going on in our area and what is coming up that will effect our work moving forward. This is going to be a big year for politics, and we need the members to understand who we are trying to get elected or re-elected and the reason why. Meetings are meant to inform and educate our membership about what is going on in our area. We try to make it more appealing to come to meetings by having raffles and things like that, but we shouldn’t have to. This Union was built from the real struggles of the workers before us who had to fight to get us to where we are today. I think we lost sight of where we came from. A lot us think that we are entitled to be Union members and forget that there are many other workers out there doing the same work we do for far less wages than ours. We need to get back to our roots and educate ourselves on real issues that effect us and non union workers that do the work that we do.


