Descansa en paz hermano difunto

Posted mayo 11, 2021

Es con profunda tristeza hacerle saber a local 1621 membresía que perdimos un gran líder esta semana Chivago Jolly Foreman para Benson Industries debido a complicaciones de Covid. Chivago era un firme Defensor de la Unión y siempre estaba dispuesto a echar una mano. Chivago ha enseñado a tantos miembros el oficio y se le echará mucho de menos. Si usted está interesado en asistir a la Celebración de la Vida por favor comuníquese con Brett Davis al 408-921-1439. Gracias


Mental Health Resources 

As we navigate the various challenges of life, it’s crucial to remember that our mental health is just as vital as our physical well-being, if not more so. In times of uncertainty and adversity, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but please know that you are not alone. At DC 16, we believe in fostering a […]

abril 19, 2024

Mental Health Help

Dear Local 1621 members, As we navigate the various challenges of life, it’s crucial to remember that our mental health is just as vital as our physical well-being, if not more so. In times of uncertainty and adversity, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but please know that you are not alone. At DC 16, we […]

abril 19, 2024