Beneficio por muerte del Local 487

Posted enero 19, 2022

Hermanos y Hermanas,

Quería recordar a todos Beneficio por muerte del Local 487. El costo se mantiene en $5.05 al mes. Eso es $60.60 para el año. Haga los cheques a nombre de Painters and Tapers Local 487 y envíelos por correo al local lo antes posible. Solo hemos recibido pagos de 80 miembros hasta la fecha. Tenga en cuenta que esto se encuentra en el Local 487 y los estatutos. Está localizado en Artículo 13 Cuotas, Honorarios y Tasaciones Sección 13.04 (g) y dice lo siguiente:

(g) Local Union Life Insurance: There is an established Death Benefit for Local 487 members. Every active member shall contribute to the Local Union Death Benefit Fund and therefore be assessed yearly, an amount equal to the current rate billed by Insurance carrier to cover the cost of the premium. There will be a communication sent out every year in November requesting payment for the Death Benefit. The members will have until January 1st of the upcoming year to pay the premium. New members shall pay a pro-rated amount from time of enrollment to the end of the current year. Retired members may elect to participate in a Local Union Death Benefit Fund by paying the yearly premium, amount to be equal to the current rate at time of enrollment. If a retired member fails to pay his/her premium for the year, he/she is removed from the insurance rolls. There shall be a separate bank account setup solely for the purpose of this death Benefit to separate from the Local Union General account. The Death Benefit shall provide a benefit in the amount of $5,000.00 for all active members, and eligible retired members, payable to the most recent beneficiary card on file at the Local Union office. In the event that the Death Benefit premium raises to above (six dollars) $6.00 the membership may opt out of the Death Benefit by vote at a special call meeting.

Otro recordatorio para todos. Los pagos de cuotas deben hacerse en línea en el sitio web del Consejo del Distrito 16 o puede enviar su pago por correo a la oficina del Consejo del Distrito 16 ubicada en 2705 Constitution Dr. Livermore CA 94551. Si tiene alguna pregunta al respecto, llame a la oficina al (916) 393 -2742.

William Gonzalez
Consejo de Distrito 16
Painters and Drywall Finishers Local 487


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