Notificación de nominación y elección

Posted junio 1, 2021

Painters &Drywall Finishers Local Union 83 llevará a cabo nominaciones el jueves 10 de junio de 2021 a las 6p.m. y elecciones el 8 de julio de 2021 a las 6p.m. para vicepresidente, secretario de grabación, secretario financiero y fideicomisario.

Estas reuniones se realizarán por Zoom: Meeting I.D.# 928-0596-8704 Password:000083

Los requisitos de elegibilidad y nominación serán los establecidos en las Secciones 209, 210, 211 y 212 de la Constitución de iupat.


Mental Health Resources 

As we navigate the various challenges of life, it’s crucial to remember that our mental health is just as vital as our physical well-being, if not more so. In times of uncertainty and adversity, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but please know that you are not alone. At DC 16, we believe in fostering a […]

abril 19, 2024

Mental Health Help

Dear Local 1621 members, As we navigate the various challenges of life, it’s crucial to remember that our mental health is just as vital as our physical well-being, if not more so. In times of uncertainty and adversity, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but please know that you are not alone. At DC 16, we […]

abril 19, 2024